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About Sober in Cyber

The goal of Sober in Cyber is to grow a community of sober people within the cybersecurity industry who can share resources, network together, and find "sober buddies" at infosec conferences. We started by launching a Discord community in May 2023 (sober folks in cyber: join the server here). We're also in the development stage of launching a podcast that will highlight the multitude of personalities and pathways within the Sober in Cyber community.


But the ULTIMATE DREAM is this...


Mocktail & NA mixology events that will take place during large cybersecurity conferences like RSAC, Black Hat, and other big events, so anyone who is sober or sober-curious can have a welcoming place to conduct professional networking.


There are plenty of wine pairings, whiskey tastings, happy hours, and open bar events in this industry already -- it's about time we had some alternative options!

Sober in Cyber aims to provide in-person meetups that are NOT wine pairings, whiskey tastings, or yet another open bar.

Our Mission

Our Mission

The mission of Sober in Cyber is to provide a welcoming space where sober individuals who work in cybersecurity can grow together as a community.

Group Hug

Our Vision

We envision a future where sober cybersecurity professionals can network with their peers in an alcohol-free environment. 

Your Support Drives Our Success!

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